The AV election

It was a sad dismal result for the overall YES campaign in the AV election. The Tories and BNP won with a resounding NO vote nationally . I don’t know about the rest of the country but locally in Southwark the Labour and Green parties didn’t practically support the YES campaign. On election day we were fortunate to have two Labour supporters helping in East Dulwich – one being Margaret Higman a former councillor for Alleyn ward.

But in East Dulwich we ran a full YES campaign. We delivered 4 YES leaflets and 2 YES letters across the ward and ran a knocking up operation on the day.

The East Dulwich box count was really positive with a high turnout and roughly 70:30 split for YES and NO voting. Overall Southwark had 53% voting YESand undoubtedly East Dulwich made a big difference to this overall results.

So a big thank you to everyone who voted but especially those that voted yes and everyone who helped run the campaign locally in East Dulwich.

Happiness in the UK

This month the UK starts collecting data, the first country in the world, on its populations happiness.

200,000 questionnaires are being sent out this week to residents by e UK Office for National Statistics. The questionnaire will include four questions: Overall, how satisfied are you with your life? Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday? Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

With the resulting data government can then try improving the nations happiness based on evidence rather than hunch. It should also mean that happiness is kept on the agenda.

Social scientists can already tell us that generally happiness increases with wealth and als with drecreases inequality. But it’s clear a whole heap more to learn in this area and this data collection is a huge step forward in improving happiness.

2011 Census in Southwark

This years census appears to be going as badly as the 2001 census. Both times its been organised by a council led by Southwark Labour. I’m sure its just coincidence…

IF you’ve not filled in the forms please do. Census results can seriously affect our areas wealth as central government and other agencies decide where to spend based on the data. Equally businesses use some of the data to decidre where to invest and promote their businesses.

If you have any problems and are a resident of East Dulwich please get in touch and I will put you in touch with help.

Southwark mediation

As with most councillors in Southwark I’ve seen relly tricky anti social problems resolved by Southwark mediation service – the award-winning charity.

Sadly its funding from Southwark is ending. Amazingly the Labour cabinet member in charge of relations with charities Cllr Abdul Mohamed didn’t know this. He also denied that the charity had found it impossible to speak to any Labour councillors about this closure. Perhaps the cllr PA’s and secretaries have fended this charity away without checking with cllrs.

The council is proposing to train its own staff, who are quite often the subject of the mediation, to provide this service. Great fig leaf but hardly credible.

As reported before Southwark has the money to keep such services but Labour has decided to poor money into its reserves for a future rainy day….

North Cross Road market extension

After several months of public consultation the final recommendations of the Dulwich Community Council, based on lots of input from market traders, shop keepers and residents, were heard at last nights Licensing Committee about changes to North Cross Road market.

Stunningly the Licensing Committee, a semi judicial committee which is not legally allowed to be whipped along party lines, made its decisions exactly along party lines. Pure fluk?

 The committees Labour members apparently threw out all the proposals including any expansion. The Labour members then APPEAR to have realised they’d thrown everything out. They then APPEAR to have met as a Labour group with officers privately. They then returned to the committee and then decided to re vote approving the scheme but failed to immediately approve Sunday opening – which everyone is locally against – so decided that Sunday opening will be reviewed in 6 months time. Travesty of a decision against local democracy.

I’d like to publicly thank those members of the Licensing Committee who were prepared to listen to the Dulwich Community Councils recommendations based no traders, shop keepers and residents views. Those members who didn’t give the appearance of voting in a whipped way.

So we need to be prepared to yet again fight for the locally sensibly agreed recommendations against the Labour administration. What a waste of residents, shop owner, street trader, officer and councillor time.

What a potentially tragic waste of council resources.

Human rights

Another victory for the Lib Dems in UK Government. Yesterdays Guardian reports that Conservative hopes of pulling out of the European convention on human rights in response to its perceived interference in issues have been dashed by Liberal Democrat objections.

They say that Nick Clegg has won a battle to prevent the inclusion of total withdrawal from the convention in the terms of reference of the planned seven-strong commission of inquiry in UK human rights law. This decision will infuriate Tory rightwingers angered by what they perceive through their right wing blinkers that Strasbourg judges have interfered with UK rights. Worth pointing out some of those Strasbourg judges are British. Some Tory backbenchers have argued that withdrawal is not as complex as some human rights lawyers claim.

 The commission, due to be announced shortly, will discuss reform of the court’s procedures, and the possibility of a British bill of rights acting as a supplement, but not as a replacement for the European convention. It would also look at a bill’s relationship with the Human Rights Act that incorporates the European convention into British law.

It has also been agreed that the commission will also report to Kenneth Clarke, the justice secretary, and to Clegg, who is the man charged with responsibility for constitutional affairs.

The paper says that Nick Clegg won his battle largely because the coalition agreement, negotiated in haste in the immediate aftermath of the general election, makes it clear that the coalition should not seek to withdraw from the convention. It states: “We will establish a commission to investigate the creation of a British Bill of Rights that incorporates and builds on all our obligations under the European convention on human rights, ensures that these rights continue to be enshrined in British law, and protects and extends British liberties.”

This will be a relief to most Lib Dems  and especially our Lib Dem Ministers who queued up at the party’s one day conference in Birmingham called to ratify the coalition, to make it clear that they would resign rather than support withdrawal from the convention. Of course this is a promise made by Cameron to withdraw from the European convenstion on human rights that he had to break because of the need to compromise as he doesn’t have a majority in his own right.

Will he now get the same treatment from the Tory press afforded to Nick Clegg about broken promises? I somehow doubt it.


The national coalition government has told local authorities that they must publish and itemise all spend of £500 or more every month and top council salaries.

To see Southwark’s spend visit:

Sadly the data is only presented as a bland pdf document so you can’t see what was bought or by whom in the council or whether it was one or more transactions. It should be realitvely easy to allow direct access via a guest portal to SAP which sits behind this or to post an excel spreadsheet to view. Perhaps that’s a little more open than council officers are ready for.

But of similar interest is all incomes outside of Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rates (business rates). I’ll be asking when income data for the council can also be posted.

Brunswick Park by-election result

Really sad that this by-election came about – a Labour councillor being accused of a heinous crime.

This was the first election where I was the agent. Fascinating experience. Heaps to learn. Some silly mistakes on the way which hopefully I wont make again and can help others avoid. We were very fortunate to have a leader in Anood Al-Samerai leading from the front and motivating so many people to help.

We delivered lots of excellent leaflets and letters. Found many supporters on the doorsteps. Despite the current national angst about Lib Dems, latest national opinion poll puts us on 9%, we achieved virtually the same share of the vote as last year with a massive 34.2% turnout. I found it very flattering as agent that labour put such a massive effort into this by-election for a Labour safe seat.

2011 – Lab 65.1%, LD 20.7%, Gr 7.6%, C 4.2%, Soc 2.3%

2010 – Lab 61.8%, LD 22.7%, Gr 14.5%, C 10.9%

2006 – Lab 47.6%, LD 36.5%, Gr 9.6%, C 6.3%

2002 – Lab 55.5%, LD 20.5%, Gr 12.6%, C 11.4%

Labour did well but mostly overall at the expense of the Greens and Conservatives.

Council Tax 2011/12

I’ve just opened up my Council Tax bill for 2011/12. Convenient it arrived on door mats on a by-election day!

The governments extra cash to local authorities to avoid any inflationary increase is welcome – obviously the Labour led Southwark Council doesn’t explain that. It also disingenuously talks about the cuts and sacrifices – why Labour in Southwark think adding £27M to its reserves for a rainy day makes any sense now is beyond me.  The Lib Dems left the council on a back office saving trajectory. So the national cuts really haven’t needed to be that bad in Southwark – hence the crazy reserves increase to increase the pain.

Amazingly the Lea Valley Regional Park authority has only decided to decrease its spend by 2% and still creams of millions of pounds from Londoners who have never heard or even visited its facilities which are mostly located in Essex and Herts. When the people of Essex and Herts have a levy on all council tax bills to pay for Burgess Park and Dulwich Park it would appear fairer.

Dulwich Community Council – meeting on Tuesday at Dulwich Picture Gallery

Very unusually the next Dulwich Community Council 7pm on Tuesday 8 March will be held at the Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Huge generous gift of providing the venue for free. They’d normally rent it out for £6,000 for an evening. Hugely kind gesture. Thank you Dulwich Picture Gallery.

The meeting will solely focus on Village ward – which covers Dulwich Village, bits of Herne Hill and east Dulwich. We’re fortunate to have the following local groups give presentations and chance to ask them questions:

– Dulwich Picture Gallery – 300th anniversary this year.

– Dulwich Estate

– Dulwich Festival 2011

– Dulwich helpline

– Mark Evison foundation

– Dulwichward councillors.

It should be an interesting meeting. Do come along from 6pm with the meeting starting at 7pm.