Oldham East & Saddleworth

Well I can’t pretend I wasn’t disappointed with the result. I didn’t get a chance to help in person but I did make some phone calls and it was encouraging. More so than the newspaper would have had us think.

Some had asked “are the Liberal Democrats broken” well to that question – the by election results in Oldham East & Saddleworth clearly shows the Lib Dems are NOT broken.
The Lib Dem vote seems to have held up very well but more people voted Labour – congratulations to Debbie Abraham the Labour candidate who one.


As I’ve said I had limited involvement in this campaign. We didn’t have the 500 people Labour bused in on the preceding polling day Saturday for example. What’s really sad is how many people there didn’t vote. They told me politicians are all the same, etc, etc. The damage that the likes of Woolas and Illsey have done to politics should’nt be underestimated.

I was also stunned how many openly told me they would be voting BNP. The results demonstrate this. Another fall out of the dirty politics these voters have witnessed first hand.

Freedom of speech

I was chuffed to hear Nick Clegg speach earlier this month confirm much stronger Freedon of Speech and civil rights are going to be reintroduced.

Frankly its’ been embarassing that Britain has become a mecca for claiming libel due to our laws not supporting such freedom’s. It’s even started to interfer with scientific research.

As a Liberal Democrat I’m proud of our tradition of speaking out for liberty and freedom. One of the key ways in which I hope the Liberal Democratic contribution to the coalition government will be acknowledged is by its record on civil liberties. This doesn’t always make party meetings quick!

So local Lib Dems will be judging our party on what is done by coalition ministers to make this country a place where our civil liberties are safeguarded, reintroduced and enhanced.

Labour’s record – opposed by Lib Dems – was damaging. Not only to our rights and freedoms, but to our reputation in the world.

Already many of our priorities have been delivered – the scrapping of ID cards, the end of child detention and the instigation of an enquiry into allegations of the UK’s complicity in torture. But there are decades of restrictive legislation still to be repealed.

Nick Clegg’s major speech on civil liberties is not something that a Labour Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister ever did. The key liberty that underpins many other freedoms is free speech. Lib Dems have a proud record in defending free expression. Lib Dems led the campaign to defeat Tony Blair over the religious hatred legislation, and they also prompted the abolition just three years ago of England’s preposterous laws of sedition, criminal defamation and blasphemy.

Another four years of  enhancing our civil liberties and ensuring once again true freedom of speech will see Britain once again a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.

Labour declarations pickle

Labour took over Southwark Council earlier this year in May.

Since that time 7 of their top councillors have failed to declare their interests correctly. In times of huge understandable concern over parliamentary sleaze this is unforgivable. One of them appears to have completed their declarations two weeks ago but the other 6 still haven’t. This is despite numerous requests from officers over the last eight months as declaring all your interests within 28 days of being elected or a change in circumstances is a legal requirement under Part 3 section 17 of the Local Government Act of 2000. This is reiterated within the Southwark Council Code of Conduct which clearly they are in breach of.

For clarity and to spell it out for my delinquent Labour colleagues.

Not making any declaration: Cllr Abdul Mohamed (Cabinet member for Equalities and Community Engagement).

Section 4 of their declarations failing to state they are members of the Labour Party: Cllr Barrie Hargrove (Cabinet member for Environment), Cllr Althea Smith (Chair of the council Planning Committee), Cllr Ian Wingfield (Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for Housing Management).

Section 7 failing to state who financially has supported their election campaigning: Cllr Catherine McDonald (Cabinet member for ).

Not stating where they work from as other barristers do/have – Southwark buys in a lot of professional legal and barrister support – Cllr Peter John (Leader of the Council).

I’m not sure they get how angry residents are over sleaze. Failing to declare all your interests is at best lazy and at worst looks positively sleazy and brings all councillors in disrepute.

Congratulations Caroline

Well done Caroline Pidgeon for becoming the London Lib Dems first choice to become a Greater London Authority (GLA) Assembly Member in the 2012 elections.

Last time Caroline was our thrid choice. So well done her in moving into our prime spot.

The following table lists our top five candidates in preference order:

1. Caroline Pidgeon

2. Stephen Knight

3. Bridget Fox

4. Shas Sheehan

5. Jeremy Ambache

Chocolate boycott

I was saddened last year to hear how Cadbury’s had been left to be swallowed up by Kraft in a mega chocolate takeover. Clearly the business policies of the last Labour Government was anything goes – even the US would’nt be that laissez faire about such takeovers.

This disappointment turned to anger over the weekend when I read that Kraft is planning to rearrange asset ownership so that the Cadbury brand will be owned from Swizterland side stepping circa £200M of yearly UK taxes. This also puts pressures on economies to be out compete each other on ever lower taxation and public spending – a world of the lowest possible denominator.

For me this means I’ve stopped eating Cadbury chocolate. As Cadbury own Green & Blacks I’ve also stopped eating their chocolate. IF you think not paying UK corporation taxes through such accountancy and legal shenanigans – then don’t eat their stuff. It’s made doubly worse by Nestle being Cadbury’s main competitor and Swiss based. So this boycott generally means no more chocolate. Anyojne who knows me this is a real sacrifice!

Jon this boycott it might also do me, you and the nation some good!

Budget consultations

Southwark Council has made an attempt to get people involved. At each of the 8 Community Councils within Southwark an hour has been dedicated to people with post its giving ideas for increases and decreases in expenditure. Good start. What is letting this down hugely is the lack of any real online way of doing this.

One great online budget consultation is Redbridge Boroufg Council www.redbridge.gov.uk/conversation.

This has been offered free to every local council. Sadly this has not been adopted by Sotuhwark. The best Southwark can do is an email generated form with two cells in it.

Fairer votes

The Yes to Fairer Votes website was launched on Guy Fawkes night – www.yestofairervotes.org . How apt – a yes vote would really put a rocket up the system for real change to make our democracy more democratic.

The campaign is gaining momentum with 5o launch events held, regional organisers in place, and meetings to get the campaign held locally.

Do you want a fairer voting system where everyone’s votes count?

Selling the silver

Southwark Labour party have decided to sell the boroughs silver – the three town halls. Lovely old seats of local democracy.

Apparently officers have told them it will cost £25M to modernise them. My experience of Southwark Town Hall is that its an ok office that I’ve happily worked from. I don’t get the need for £25M. Officers told Lib Dems three years ago this sum and for the last three years they’ve been used without a problem.

The Lib Dems were clear that the Tooley Street back office centre was exactly that. Labour seem rather keen on basing everything there even the democratic meetings. I don’t hold with the suggestion this is because so many Labour councillors such as Peter John live along the Thames river in posh blocks and traipsing down to Peckham Road was a chore too much for them.

Some the of the suggestions are idiotic. Like moving the Bermondsey One Stop Shop to Camberwell. No one from Bermondsey is going to travel down to Camberwell. Or holding Southwark meetings in Brixton Town hall – no residents from Southwark will go to Brixton. Our Lib Dem manifesto was clear every area needs it own local one stop shop and all three historic town halls are needed as local civic centres.

What doesn’t help is the antediluvian working practices – no voice or video conferences.

Weirdly such a big decision wasn’t announced at council assembly but to a newspaper.  The irony of Labour running a ‘demopcracy commission’ focusing on council assembly when they then go and sell the council chamber isn’t lost on many. So much for Labours idea of what local democracy means in practice.

Dodgy councillor

I was saddened to read that Labour councillor Keadean Rhodean has again been convicted for benefit fraud.

Apparently she’ll be back in court in November for re sentencing.

She intends to appeal but her grounds sound shaky “I was a struggling student, battling serious health issues”.

What I felt was even more shocking was that she is reported as stating that senior Southwark Labour people knew she had this court case pending but told her not to worry and she’s then quoted as saying “They told me not to worry. They said it would be okay and that I should contuine to put myself forward becasue they had few black candidates and no young, black women candidates” she then is quoted as saying “I would not have continued if they had not encouraged me to do so”.

Another example of Southwark Labour being willing to do anything to get elected.

Fortnightly bin collections – trial starts October!

4 October a pilot starts to change the recycling and rubbish collections to 10,000 residential homes and flats – street properties.

Attached is the only information I’ve received so far on who and where it will affect.

Basic premise is recycling is still every week but organic matter will be also be collected. All other rubbish will be collected fortnightly. The dreaded fortnightly collections – this shouldn’t be an issue if the organic waste process and collections work well.

One unresolved issue was no disposal contract of the collected organic waste yet…this really worried me as the pilot will disintegrate if people find all their collection efforts are in vain. (Monday 27/9 contract in place to take the waste 50miles to Isle of Sheppey for disposal).

Until I find out a lot more please feel free to email me with any concerns or issues. We absolutely must increase the recycling rate but this pilot is very rushed without any consultation and has lots of potential to go wrong. So any problems please let me know right away so we can keep it working.

Disappointed that the pilot hasn’t included any blocks of flats as they’ll be the biggest challenge with most to learn as they don’t have front gardens to keep extra wheelie bins.