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2 thoughts on “Get involved

  1. Sophie Clements says:

    Hello James
    Can I suggest a zebra crossing on Lordship Lane somewhere between the Townley road and Dulwich library lights? There are an increasing number of children walking between East Dulwich and Dulwich Village for schools and Milo road provides easy access on foot. Also it would allow safe crossings to the medical clinic, shops, church and to bus stops.
    Kind regards

  2. Ginny Paterson says:

    Hi James,
    I just saw on the ED forum that someone was mugged on the pathway alongside the Dulwich football ground at 6pm 2nd August. There is apparently no CCTV there and it’s quite an isolated area so this could likely happen a lot. Concerning enough but when I am about to start using it for school drop offs and will have a 4 and possibly 2 year old with me it makes me extremely worried. Can anything be done please?

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