Bus Garage Collisions London 8,600 buses travel an amazing 490 million kms a year across 700+ bus routes. Last year 2.35 billion bus customer journeys. So bus trsavel is safe but then the drivers are professionals.
The following is table of buses that crashed and needed repaits.
Major crash requires more than 40 hours of repairs, minor crash less than 40hours of repairs. Apparently the higher rates such as at Perivale, which is an engineering centre, and Stamford Brook, which is a London United refurbishment centre, indicate where the buses are taken for repair or renewal rather than the depots at which they are stationed for operation of routes.
Even allowing for this big variations between the crashes per million kms. Why the difference. Clearly some bus garages are doing something smarter than others. It means more crashes than we truly need on London roads.