Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is extra money for every school for each poor pupil they take next year under the government’s pupil premium scheme – one of the key four Liberal Democrat manifesto pledges

Schools will receive the money for every pupil in receipt of free school meals whose parents have an annual income of less than £16,000. The premium schools will receive is £430 for each child.

Head teachers will be encouraged to spend their premium on reducing class sizes or more one-to-one tuition. This should go some way to addressing the gap between kids form poorer backgrounds and those from wealthy backgrounds.

In Southwark this will see a total of around £2.8M.

In East Dulwich

Southwark Children’s Services Pupil Premium= £430

h ward – Goodrich £58,050;   Goose Green £48,590;  Heber £28,810;  St.Anthony’s £15,480.

4 thoughts on “Pupil Premium

  1. Cat says:

    The pupil premium is existing money divided up in a slightly different way. Your key manifesto pledge was for a pupil premium paid out of extra money thus this is yet another broken promise.

  2. James Barber says:

    Hi Cat,
    Not how I understand things.
    The schools budgets has been increased by 0.1% and a public sector pay freeze and wages make up 90%+ of school budgets. But added to that is the Pupil Premium targetted to go with the kids who need this extra help the most. Also has spin off that such kids less likely to hold back other kids.

    Now if you wanted to ignore the current economic crisis and the public sector pay rise and assumed wrongly that RPI inflation affected schools budgets the same then you could make your claim.

  3. Cat says:

    The schools budget has only increased, if you can call 0.1% an increase more like a rounding error, if you include the “extra” pupil premium money. The libdem policy was for an extra £2.5bn on top of the existing budget.

  4. James Barber says:

    Hi Cat,
    0.1% is to cope with increased student numbers and 0.1% on multi tens of billions of pounds is the sort of ’rounding error’ we’d all like to see.
    Their is a public sector pay freeze. 90%+ of school budgets are pay.

    The Pupil Premium will see £430 per kid initially directly to help support and raise the standard of every kid from a disadvantaged background. It’s targetted money. In Southwark some schools have 3% on Free School Meals and other with 40%+ on FSM. Yet they receive the same amount per head to teach them. Bonkers. PP will start address this.

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