Northcross Road market expansion?

For some time the East Dulwich councillors have been proposing an expansion to Northcross Road Market on Saturdays. It’s a success at 20 stalls and appears Northcross Road has plenty of space for more stalls.

We’re already arranging electric pop up points so the stalls will have electricity and they’ll no longer need to run minim generators but more stalls say 30 or even 40 would really make the market more successful.

Southwark council is now consulting on expanding the market. They’re proposing that it increases from 20 to 30 stalls but importantly this expansion would apply not just to Saturdays but also Mon-Fri and add an extra market day on Sundays.

We feel Sunday isn’t a good idea. It would mean residents don’t get a single day of peace or quiet and the inconveniences they currently suffer without complaining would increase and potentially become intolerable. Equally expanding Mon-Fri probably when the current stalls aren’t used is pointless and will increase local residents fears.

Whatever your view and whether residents, visitor, stallholder, or other local business please do respond to the consultation via:

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