Downgrading scrutiny

Last night the first council assembly under the new Labour led Southwark Council.

Lots of rhetoric about a ‘new politics’. First major changes changing the word executive to cabinet throughout the constitution. apparently this caused mass confusion amongst Sotuhwark residents. Tinkering with voting rights for Livesey councillors so they get to vote at two different community councils.

Most significantly was the downgrading the scrutiny roles and creating deputy cabinet roles. The former was masked by being a reduction in the allowances for councillors.

It is right that the allowances for councillors are reduced. But this should be across the board. £71,000 will be saved by over hald will be saved from the special responsibility allowances for those select group of councillors who deeply scurtinse every decision of the administration.

It does seems cynical to slash scrutiny at a time of great flux and potentially great mistakes. But keep the cabinet member and leader allowances almost unchanged. Labour suggested scrutinising them is only a part time role – either they arrogantly think they wont make any mistakes or wont make many changes.

The deputy cabinet role will create great opportunities for newer councillors to gain experience. Great idea BUT will they still be available to scrutinise and criticise the administration they’re trying to break into. Probably not. So another reduction in the number of backbenchers holding the cabinet to account.

A better more reasonable response would have been to have broadly across the board reductions. Especially maintain the role of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny so they can full time examine all decision of the administration.

So we abstained on many decisions last night. We agreed some changes necessary such as cuts but that they have been cynically proposed and not jonied up.

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