Student tuition fees

On Friday the latest manifesto pledge on Student Tuition Fees was agreed.

The Lib Dems havea six year plan to phase out tuition fees over the next six years. If we want a fair Britain then we have to ensure everyone feels able to attend university. Tuition fees are not part of the Lib Dem vision for a fairer Britain.

This policy also applies to those taking part-time degres swho tend be poorer or older. Under the current fees system they have to pay upfront making it doubly hard to change their lives.

However, due to the economic pickle this country is now in it would take six years to phase out tuition fees.

Final year tuition fees will be the first to go. Too many people drop out, often put off by the huge costs. We’d make it easier to stay on, because no student will pay any fees to complete their degree. In 2011, we’d get help to part-time students, regulating the fees they pay (a vital step towards abolishing them). In 2012, part-time students will be able to access the same loans as full-time students. In 2013, we would extend free tuition to second year students. In 2014, we’d extend that same free tuition to part time students. And in 2015, as the public finances are recovering, we will be able to afford to abolish all remaining fees.

Labour’s recession has made it more difficult to find the money to fund our priorities. That’s why we are right to adapt our plans for big spending commitments and why it is right that our General Election manifesto will focus this time on a smaller number of key commitments. But our message to students is clear: we remain the only party that believes fees are unfair, and the only party with a plan to get rid of them for good.

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