Tomorrow is Southwark councils budget setting council assembly.
If anyone has a particular issue they’d like me to raise please do let me know.
The Labour proposals see huge squirelling away of money into contigency and unallocated reserves. The reserves were already standing at nearly £90M but under Labour proposals will soar to well over £100M. The proposed Labour cuts would see a dirtier meaner borough – not good going into the Olympic year 2012. In fact unallocated reserved and unallocated contingency funds already stand at £22.2M and will rise rapidly under Labours ‘saving for a rainy day budget’ to £49.2M.
The proposed budget can be seen here:
The Lib Dem proposed amendments which will fail are attached….but always a chance Labour councillors, as per the 8 in Lambeth, wont have been paying council tax and therefore wont be able to vote….
Broadly the Lib Dem proposals would see no cuts to: 5-11 play service, no cuts to play centres for 0-5 year olds, preserve funding for older peoples day centre, older person assisted shopping service, taxicard scheme fully kept, keep all eco grants, keep community recycling scheme, all CGS kept, keep sport development and the community games, don’t cut street cleaning, fully preserve SASBU the award winning anti social behavioural unit, fully keep the noise team working 24/7 and not reduce it to day etc, keep lolly pop people protecting all our kids getting to and from school, keep current events programme (especially important going into the Olympic year), mainatain South London Gallery support, keep all libraries, mobile library, housebound library service, keep all night time and current street cleaning.