Car clubs in East Dulwich

For the last nine months East Dulwich has had 14 car club cars based on our streets. Ten of those were funded by East Dulwoch councillors via Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding.

So far they’ve been in use 39% of the time. Considering that night time is 33% of the time that’s very good. In fact that’s amazing. One car on the first day was taken out 8 times. That’s 8 car journeys where people didn’t need to own a car themselves but could share a car club car. You’ll often see car club vans in use in the area.

Importantly the East Dulwich vehicles are available 98% of the time. The car are BMW Z4’s.

So far a huge success.

What next?

My aim is that everyone of our East Dulwich streets – all 65 of them – have at least one car club car on them. That way everyone will be less than a minutes walk away. 

Fuel Poverty

Fuel Poverty is when someone needs to spend over 10% of their income after tax to keep warm. The point at which they have to start deciding whether to eat or keep warm. Clearly the Winter Fuel and Cold Weather payments help and will remain.

In the last five years the proportion of homes in Fuel Poverty rose from 2.8million households in 2007 to 4.6million households in 2009. This is largely from energy price rises but also where home insulation has taken place its not sufficiently reached the most vulnerable.

A few weeks ago the Green Deal was announced which energy companies will support via Energy Company Obligations aimed at poorer customers. This will initially target poorer homes and undertake the hard as well as easy insulation e.g. solid wall insulation. This will take time to implement on all UK homes. While the Green Deal takes effect, and from April 2011, by law energy companies will have to give rebates to more of their most vulnerable customers – the Warm Home Discount. This discount is expected to help 2million households a year to the tune of £1.1billion a year.

That clearly leaves a gap so the speed of the Green Deal implementation will be crucial to end Fuel Poverty by 2016.


Why aren’t our pavements gritted?

Southwark Council has a Winter Service Plan. It appears to be unravelling.

Apart from the obvious main roads being gritted as per Southwarks gritting plan. And even this appears to be failing around the Forest Hill Road area according to local residents. Making it impossible for the no.63 bus to go further south than Peckham for fear of not being able to turn around.

What really bothers me is that the Winter Service Plan was enhanced when last year the Lib Dem executive councillor ensured 80 x Turbocaster 300 hand propelled grit spreaders were purchased but no one has seen any used this year.


Where are they hiding?

80 such gritting machines is enough to grit every pavement in Southwark in less than a day. We know from the weather forecasts that the snow and ice will stay for potentially another week. So gritting every pavement is critical to minimise the impacts of this bad weather on residents and to help keep everything running.

Have you seen one of these gritters – please let me know.

Daylight Saving Bill

This Friday 3 December the Daylight Saving Bill will be voted on. The idea is that instead of changing the clocks twice a year we keep an extra hour of daylgiht in the evenings for ever rather than sunny mornings when we’re all asleep.

Will our Southwark MP’s be voting for this bill?

For this Bill to proceed 102 MPs are needed to vote this Friday and I’m hoping they’ll all be present. I can imagine how incredibly busy they are but as Southwark MP’s I’m hopeful they’ll be able to make time in your diary for this vote.

If passed into law this change will save about 80 lives a year, create 80,000 new jobs and save 500,000 tonnes of carbon every year.

If you’d like to encourage your MP to vote this Friday – and not many decisions make such an obvious difference to our lives – then email them from:

When will bioluminescent trees replace street lighting

Reading a fascinating article about work undertaken at Cambridge University adding bio-luminescence to trees.

Apparently just converting 0.02% of the energy absorbed from photosynthesis would be sufficient for a tree to produce bio light in enough quantity to compete with a regular street light.

By 2050 we need to reduce our CO2 use by 80%.

Is bio light one way of achieving this?

Which would you prefer – a genetically modified tree producing light or global warming?

Close the Door campaign

I welcome a recent report from Cambridge University confirming that simply closing shop doors during the winter saves up to 50% in energy usage and carbon emissions.

The report has led to the Close the Door campaign. What a great campaign. I’ll be promoting it locally. Amazingly it really is the case that by simply closing shop doors CO2 emissions can be slashed, energy bills reduced and customers and staff left feeling more comfortable. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise that keeping shop doors closed during the winter months is a win-win for everyone.

Do take a look at the Close the Door campaign details which you can see here.

Which shops in East Dulwich do you think the worst offenders?


Some time ago my family and I committed to working toward the 10:10 agenda – cutting our CO2 by 10% by the end of 2010.

Our electricity over the last 12 months has gone down by from an average of 8.9kWh per day to 7.kWh per day – saving of 11.5%. All our electricity comes from Good Energy which only used renewable eletricity genereation but even so we should use less.

Next month I can work out how we’ve progress on the gas front and whether overall we’re on track to meet our 10:10 commitment.

Did you make this commitment and if so how are you doing?

My news resolution will be a personal journey of 11:11 – reducing our CO2 by 11% during 2011.

East Dulwich street lighting

Probably the last bit of devolved Lib Dem lighting budget has now been drafted for East Dulwich ward. £50,000 worth of improvements.

We’ll allocate our funds to fixing ‘red’ lamp posts which are those lamp posts 70%+ corroded at the base. In East Dulwich ward we have eight of them.

We’ll also fund the upgrade to lighting on Crystal Palace Road, Dunstans Road and Friern Road replacing old yellow SOX lighting – really dim lighting. CPR will get SON lighting for the majority but Cosmo lights at the Lordship Lane end. SON lighting all along Dunstans Road and Cosmo on Friern Road as suggested when I consulted with local Police. SON lighting white with a tinge of yellow and is much brighter than totally yellow SOX lighting. Cosmo lighting is pure bright white light.

We’ll then have ensured all East Dulwich street lighting has been modernised.

Snow code

During the last winter it was maddenning that common advice was to leave the snow on pavements for fear or being sued.

I’m chuffed to see a thawing of this fear with the government issuing a ‘Snow code’ .

This is important guidance on how communities and councils can work together to improve pavement conditions. It basically gives advice about how to clear paths sensibly. Clarity is added about the potential for litigation that everyone has a duty of care but by following sensible snow clearing practice people should have nothing to worry about.

This all comes witha little relief that a. I was doing the right thing in how I was clearing snow from the pavements around my home and b. that I’m very unlikely to ever be sued and certainly not successfully.

The next step is for clearing pavements outside homes to become a required duty of able bodied citizens.

Do you think that should be a duty placed on everyone?

The Thames Cycle path at Waterloo

Crazy moves are afoot by Kate Hoey MP – Mayor Boris Johnson’s sports czar – to ban people cycling responsibly along the River Thames between Lambeth Bridge and Waterloo Bridge.

She has stated in a letter to local residents “There is of course an excellent cycling route on the main road along past Lambeth Palace and the hospital”.

The alternative, which in her opinion is ok for unescorted children, can be seen in these pictures.

photo1978.jpg   photo1970.jpg

I always thought her love of fox hunting from an inner London MP bizarre but this takes the biscuit.