If you are or know an older resident and help is needed to keep warm this winter please direct them to the Warm & Well In Winter project.
Six key things AgeConcern told me:
1. Stay Warm In Your Home. Keep your home 18-21 degrees C. Wear plenty of thin layers so you can easilly adjust your termperature. If you need to wear bed socks, thermal underwaear and a nightcap at night.
2. Get Financial Support. There are grants, bemefits and avice avaialb to improve your homes energy efficiency, heting system and controls.
3. Eat Well And Drink Regularlry. Food is the bodies fuel giving us energy. So make sure you eat well and keep hydrated. Nothing quite like a hot meal or drink to warm you up. great idea is a flask of hot drink or soup to wake up to in the morning.
4. Get A Flu Jab. They’re free for everyone over 65 and those with long-term medical conditions and for others only cost around £9. Flu nasal sprays are free for infants 2-4 years old. If you get a cold or flue do rest and potentially stay in bed. Get well and make sure you keep hydrated.
5. Look After Yourself And Others. On cold days wrap up well and keep warm. Keep an eye out for others and make sure they’re alert and have everything they need to follow these 6 key things.
6. Have Heating And Cooking Appliances Checked. Carbon monoxide is a killer.
Lambeth residents can call 020 7346 6800 for further advice.
Southwark residents can call 020 7358 4077.