Brunel Bridge

I was delighted that Simon Hughes MP and the charity Sustrans announced an architectural competition for the new pedestrian and cycling bridge connecting Rotherhithe with Canary Wharf.

I was first involved proposing this in 1996 when heavily volunteering with Southwark Cyclists. For several years we made this bridge a key request from the group. But the Olympics got in the way, then a focus on rides for novice cyclists and then the 2008 great recession. But behind the scenes Simon Hughes has started to make this happen.

Why? Apart from being a direct link for people walking and cycling it would ease the heavy congestion not just of the Jubilee tube line but also the Overground. Huge growth on the population of Canada Water are planned to exacerbate these pressures. So the new Brunel Bridge can’t happen soon enough.

Do you agree?


One thought on “Brunel Bridge

  1. Terry says:

    Very much needed in the area to save having to negotiate the Jubilee line for one stop (or even cycling through the Rotherhithe tunnel).
    It would be amazing news if this came together and I would much rather this for its utility than the costly and frankly pointless Garden Bridge.
    Would be behind this 100% and glad of the work you’ve done toward it over the last number of years.

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