For many years Transport for London have been promising pedestrians phases on the Lordship Lane/South Circular traffic lights.
But nothing ever happens. To my latest request for information they eventually stated:
“Thank you for your email. I am sorry for the length of time it has taken to provide you with a response.
We have looked at various options for adding green man crossing facilities at this location over the last few years; however, it has proved difficult to develop a scheme that does not have a significant impact on traffic capacity at a location where congestion occurs at busy times of the day. In addition to this, the collision history at this location does not make it a top priority in terms of collision reduction, and pedestrian volumes are quite modest.
For the above reasons no scheme is actively being taken forward at this stage. The potential of land acquisition for localised road widening to help address the capacity concerns has been raised but has not progressed at the present time due to the high level of investment required.
We will nonetheless continue to monitor safety at this junction as well as throughout London, and focus our limited resources at those locations with the greatest level of personal injury collisions each year.
Once again, I apologise for the delay in my response. Please let me know if you have any further queries”
These lights are close to a blind person centre. Effectively TfL have said they want fatalities before they’ll make any provision for people walking.
Outrageous but typically of Boris’s tory leadership of TfL.