This is the latest update I’ve received from council officers. Generally good and progress news.
Site 1 (Lordship Lane / East Dulwich Grove) is now fully complete and was commissioned for use at 9:30am yesterday. I am pleased to inform you that the facility is working well and is already heavily used by pedestrians. The operation of the signals is also assisting with local traffic management by assisting vehicles turning in and out of East Dulwich Grove whilst the lights are red to general traffic on Lordship Lane.
Site 2 (Outside the Supermarket) has been constructed (including all civils works, footway buildout, carriageway table, antiskid surfacing and paving). Unfortunately we are still waiting for BT to disconnect the existing telephone box outside the supermarket, which is in line with the western crossing location. We have requested a detailed response from BT as to why there has been a delay in disconnecting the power supply to the box when their planning application and agreement to proceed with the scheme was granted in September last year. We anticipate that we will have a confirmed date by the end of the week and TfL are on standby to install the signal equipment once this date has been confirmed.
Once the telephone box has been disconnected and removed, then it will take approximately 5 days to install and commission the new signals. I will keep you updated accordingly.
The new parking bays are currently being installed, with line marking and sign post implementation to be completed by the 30th March.