Southwark issued some great news earlier this month about secondary school admissions – but it has proved wrong.
Yesterday I finally found out how many secondary school applications did not receive any school allocation, 20, rather than the zero proclaimed.
20 families in total didn’t receive a secondary school allocation. Shocking. A HUGE thank you to the Dulwich resident who highlighted their case to me. It meant I could get to the bottom of their case and after various assurances I was mad and that this was impossible council officials think they know what went wrong and then found 19 other such families. All were offered places on Friday.
So the revised figures should look like:
* Total of 2,456 applications were received, 65 less applicants than last year
* 1,362 (55.4%) received a first preference school a 2.9% increase on last year’s figures 1,322 (52.5%) versus the London average of 66%.
* 195 (7.9%) families without a preference and offered an alternative school fewer than last year – 243 (9.6%)
* 20 (0.8% ) families offered no places or an alternative school.
* The number of online applications has remained at the same level as last year
If you know of any families with school admission problems please do put them in touch with me.