This month it was announced that the East Dulwich Police station has been given a stay of execution for 2012. Hooray.
Despite East Dulwich Police station only being 40years old, and the previous East Dulwich Police station (junction of Crystal Palace Road/Upland Road) still being used by some secretive Police units, it suffers from concrete cancer.
You can see me pointing in this picture to the reniforcing rusting steel where the covering concrete has fallen away. The stay of execution to its closing is due to other building works and some Police teams are temporarily being housed in East Dulwich.
Longer term though we need accomodation for the East Dulwich and Village wards Safer Neighbourhood Teams, School Police liaison officers, over 30 and increasing special constables who are all based there. It’s also a great drop in for other Police officers working in the area as the nearest other station is in Peckham. Equally we want to keep a front desk so locals can easilly report crimes, ex.offenders can locally sign in as part of their parole.