Surprise road works

Over the last few years we’ve seen a lot of highway renewal works in East Dulwich – Crystal Palace Road, Dunstan’s Road, Grove Vale, Melbourne Grove.

Great in principle but painful in the delivery. At a recent council committee council officers reported on surveying residents on how some of them went. Eye opening to discover that 43% of residents on Crystal Palace Road and 35% of Dunstan’s Road reported they were not aware of the road renewals before they started and that respectively 47% and 39% hadn’t received a leaflet or letter about the works.

We’re not talking about little projects. We’re talking about removing the roads and footpaths and completely rebuilding them. Major works. I can only imagine residents alarm to find this happening as a complete surprise to them!

If you’d like to be kept informed in advance send me an email and I’ll keep you posted on things before they happen to your street.

One thought on “Surprise road works

  1. Christine Patrick says:

    They are at it again at Crystal Palace!! Last night (09.05.2012) on the way home from work I was disgusted to find that traffic was queing all the way through Dulwich to get up Palace Hill. It took me an hour to get home which is normally a 20-minute journey and I even found my way through some of the back streets to avoid the main problem. When are they going to stop digging and remodelling Crystal Palace? As a car driver, I have had enough of this and am sick and tired of road works being carried out WITHOUT NOTICE!!! Wake up whoever is responsible for this MESS and start using PLANNING SKILLS to complete this work in a LESS INCONVENIENT and more PRODUCTIVE way!!!! Anyone ever heard of major roadworks being planned at night to avoid just this situation??
    Please add me to the list for advance warning.
    Many thanks

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