Controlled Parking Consultation

The council officer reporthas just been released about proposed a controlled parking zone near East Dulwich station. I suspect everyone agrees with some degree of controlled parking – even if only disabled parking bays outside disabled people’s homes – but the degree of other reasons for controlled parking is very controversial.

The administration applied to Transport for London for money to study and consult the streets most vocal about parking pressures near East Dulwich station?Council officers receiving 44 compliants about parking pressures in three years from the consulted streets out of 130 for the whole of Southwark.

It seems clear that the proposed streets north of Grove Vale in South Camberwell ward do not want controlled parking. The East Dulwich ward streets south of Grove Vale are more mixed with Derwent Grove and Tintagel Crescent clearly in favour. Several other streets in East Dulwich ward against East Dulwich Grove, Elsie Road, Grove Vale, Lordship Lane, or in favour if neighbouring streets were to have controlled parking – Oxonian/Zenoria. A majority of Melbourne Grove residents are in favour of parking controls but shops are against stating they needed places for employees to park.

If controlled parking is introduced most wanted the ‘lite’ version 10am-12noon  Monday-Friday.

241 people responded to the consultation via the questionnaire and from the proposed streets and 155 from people on streets not proposed across the East Dulwich area. Another 114 responded outside the questionnaire. With a further 1,826 people signing a variety of other petitions by people from adjacent roads as well as a from Peckham Rye to Herne Hill.

The proposed options are:

1. Do nothing.

2. Do a little remarking of local roads.

3. Introduce 1hr Mon-Fri controlled parking to Derwent Grove

4. Introduce 1 hr Mon-Fri controlled parking to Derwent Grove, Elsie Road, Melbourne Grove (Grove Vale to East Dulwich Grove), Oxonaina Street, Tintagel Crescent, Tintagel Gardens and Zenoria Street.

5. Introduce 1 hr Mon-Fri controlled parking to Derwent Grove, Elsie Road and Tintagel Crescent.

I can see arguments for and against all of the proposed options. If you have views tell me.

3 thoughts on “Controlled Parking Consultation

  1. Ms Crawthew says:

    The conclusion from the data is? You dont seem to have mentiond the proportion of the votes?I

    241 people responded to the consultation via the questionnaire and from the proposed streets and 155 from people on streets not proposed across the East Dulwich area. Another 114 responded outside the questionnaire. With a further 1,826 people signing a variety of other petitions by people from adjacent roads as well as a from Peckham Rye to Herne Hill.

  2. James Barber says:

    Hi Ms Crawthew,
    I’m sorry if you feel I should have posted differently. I’m not repeated everything in the report as the main report is 40 pages long. Please do follow the link I provided and read the report.

  3. Ms Crawthew says:

    I`m sure a simple % of votes attaining the for and against proportion wouldn`t be to much trouble?

    Thank you

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