Evils of alcohol and energy drinks

Various pieces of research have made it clear that selling caffiene energy drinks with alcohol is a recipe for disaster. The caffeine fix counters the affects that alcohol normally has of slowing peoples alcohol drinking.

One study, researchers led by Sean Barrett of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, found that students consumed an average of 8.6 alcoholic drinks per session when mixing it with energy drinks, compared to 4.7 when they consumed alcohol alone.

Amelia Arria of the University of Maryland in College Park led other research and concluded people drink more alcohol when they mix it with energy drinks.

Other research came to similar conclusions and we know that excessive drinking results in alcohol fuelled crime and harm.

So its clear selling and then customers mixing alcohol and caffeine energy drinks is dangerous.

So why do we allow our licensed premises to do this?

I’ve written to the chair of licensing to ask why we allow this and whether we should condition licensed premises that come up for review.

3 thoughts on “Evils of alcohol and energy drinks

  1. Rick Toomer says:

    Interesting. But it wouldn’t be very liberal to stop people in Southwark being able to order a Vodka and Red Bull should they so choose, although why they would is beyond me.

    Would such a ban also stop the serving of Irish and other alcoholic coffees?

    I think dictating what drinks a licensed premises may serve is Utahn in its puritanism.


  2. James Barber says:

    Hi Rick,
    Today’s Metro carries a story page.11 about a new drink called Crunk Juice. The title comes from Crazy drunk. It full of lots of caffiene and 14% proof.
    Should such of the shelf drinks designed to get people ‘craxy drunk’ after one can be allowed or selling the components in a bar or pub.
    At the very least they should come with ugly health warnings because I don’t think people know the harm they are signing up for. Libralism assumes knowledge.

  3. Rick Toomer says:

    I think you’re right about the health warning. I’d be up for that. That stuff sounds pretty awful. But the point about Vodka and Red Bull and Irish Coffees still stands.

    Absolutely give consumers the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. But banning things because we don’t like them is not a route I like to go down if I can at all avoid it (things such as hard drugs notwithstanding).


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