I was chuffed to see Camberwell Baths finally open on Monday.
Despite years of council officers telling us we should close Camberwell baths when the Lib Dems led Southwark Council we didn’t. It’s such an important hub for Camberwell being Camberwell. The specious argument was Camberwellites could go to the Peckham Pulse for a swim or to use a gym.
So we made it a manifesto pledge in 2006 as part of our Lib Dem promise to modernise all Southwark’s leisure centres. We won and allocated over £12M for this. It took longer to make happen than we ever expected with Dulwich Leisure Centre phase 1 completing recently and now Camberwell Leisure centre.
People say whats the point of politics. These are clear examples of where politicians and politics make a difference.