I’ve just obtained a weeks worth of speed data for Grove Vale and Lordship Lane:
Grove Vale westbound vehicle mean average speed of 22.8mph, 85 percentile 27.7mph, total of 73642 vehicles.
Grove Vale eastbound vehicle mean average speed of 21.2mph, 85 percentile 24.6mph, 68540.
Lordship Lane (by Ashbourne Grove ) north bound vehicle mean average of 21.5mph, 85 percentile 27.3mph, 52036.
Lordship Lane (by Ashbourne Grove ) south bound vehicle mean average 19.9mph, 85 percentile 25.3mph, 51419.
To place 20mph speed limits on roads requires 85 percent of all existing traffic to be travelling at speeds of 24mph or lower. BUT both roads have planned measures to reduce speeds by several mph and having a 20mph speed limit lowers speeds by around 2mph.
So I’ll be pushing for 20mph speed limits. At the very least in the short term finding the minimum required to make this happen.
Do you agree?
You are misinformed. the idea of using 85%ile to select speed limits was dismissed in 2006. There is no such requirement.
Please contact us to discuss.
Rod King
20’s Plenty for Us
Where would the 20mph area start? I agree that 20mph sounds reasonable at the Goose Green end, but not towards the Horniman.