Apparently the London Olympic Delivery Authority have decided to ban London’s black cabs from using over 100km of London’s roads.
Weirdly they’ve set pick up and drop off points at Olympic venues but effectively block the cabs from using roads to reach them.
All that road space is going to be reserved for a huge fleet of 25,000 chauffeur driven cars for journalists, olympic officials on junkets and the athletes. Apparently non of them could possibly used coaches and all the roads must be express ways for them. The actual real working olympic officials are planned to be housed in student halls of residences and use public transport.
I just don’t get it. London was selected on the basis of being London – not some tin pot dictatorship where the proles have to doff their caps to the Olympic worthies cursing by in their blackened window chauffeur driven cars .
So I wish London’s blacks cabs every success in getting common sense and decency to prevail. We want a proper olympics where respect for all the participants AND the host city and citizens. I for one don’t want London and Londoners genuflecting at the Olympic alter.