This week the Government announcemed a key Liberal Democrat policy of the Pupil Premium next September. This will make a big difference for many children in our area. It will mean that funds will be provided for local schools to allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to receive the extra support they deserve, allowing them to have an equal chance for a good education, no matter which school they go to in our area and across the country.
In Southwark we’ve seen an incredibly rapid rise in pupil achievement over the last seven years while Lib Dems ran the council, but there has still been a gap between the highest achieving schools and the lowest in our area and across the country. It will take some time for our children and schools to all be good or outstanding. By providing extra money to schools that have pupils who need extra help, the Pupil Premium is a major step forward which I hope will enable even greater improvements in the future. It also means such children with extrsa support wont hold others back. a real win win for every kid in our area.
Its been a rough few weeks since the elections. Its been hard at times to keep faith with the national coalition. But with things like the Pupil Premium, political reform, greater tax allowances for the poorest coming through I’m feeling relieved and vindicated.
Modified religious exemption approved – Local News
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