Some figures are out at how quick local councils and other government funded bodies are at paying its bills. This information has come from the Forum of Private Business.
I’m glad to say that all the efforts of Lib Dem Cllr Tim McNally when he was the cllr in charge of resources has been shown to have succeeded. Southwark Council pay 63% of bills within 10 days and 85% within 30 days. Lambeth Council 60% and 83% respectively and Lewisham 32% and 85%.
On average Southwark pays is invoices in 20 days, Lewisham 26 days and Lambeth 28 days. A week can be a very lung time for a business in the current climate. Well done Tim. Fingers crossed the new administration keep this performance up.
If you run a business facing payment difficulties then do contact the forum anonymously