Green Investment Bank

One of the big green developments of the Lib Dems in government has been the creation of the Green Investment Bank. It starts with £3.8bn to lend to promote green investment.

Some councils have taken green loans to upgrade all their street lighting to LED lights. Savings of 80% in electricity and all the commensurate CO2 reductions are not to be sniffed at. The LED lights also produce a much brighter white light in the process.

TfL plan to replace 35,000 of its street lights by 2016.

So lets get Southwark Council and Lambeth Council to do the same. Borrow the money to replace them now from the Green Investment Bank, save lots of CO2 and in the process fund the loan and still have save lots of money. Win, win, win.

I’ve suggested this to the cabinet member for Environment…we await hopefully a positive response….

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