Flight Noise Ghettos

South London has more than its fair share of aircraft flight paths – planes for Heathrow line up overhead and planes for City airport also fly over East Dulwich over a quarter of the time.

If you agree this is already a problem then you’ll want to respond to the London City Airport consultation that seeks agreement to make matters much much worse. The proposal is to deploy something similar to GPS to make aircraft very precisely follow set flight paths. This will really concentrate all those flights going into London City Airport. The deployment of this technology is a requirement of the Civil Aviation Authority. To make matters Tower Hamlets gave planning permission to increase flight paths to and from London City Airport from 80,000 to 120,000 each year. A huge increase which will be magnified if the proposals aren’t changed.

The consultation document shows that for 27% of the time East Dulwich, Dulwich, Herne Hill, Brixton will have a further concentration of flights with aircraft flying between 2,000 and 3,000 feet.

This technology could be used to vary flight paths to share the noise burden but London City Airport has no plans to do this. Shame on them.

I hope you’ll join me in responding to this consultation by emailing London City Airport lamp@londoncityairport.com and the CAA airspace.policy@caa.co.uk asking why they are allowing this secret consultation with no public meetings or leafleting or other promotion.

If aircraft noise annoys you then do consider joining HACAN East who campaign for more reasonable aircraft noise levels from London airports.


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