T Brown excess

Every weekday morning at the northern end of Melbourne Grove T BROWN vans park willy-nilly. Some come super early before 7am park up and play loud music to annoy the locals. Many park on the single and double yellow lines.

When I’ve checked with council officials they tell me they have park anywhere passes.

I say but those vouchers are meant to be at the council housing end not at some depot newly acquired and effectively subsidised by this parking free for all. Tough is the effective response.

I point out that the vans proclaim how they work for Lewisham and Lambeth. And is the effective response.

This is exactly the type of issue that leads residents to understandably question the probity of parking wardens. I feel some sympathy with a management system that creates this wrong.

come of Southwark sort this problem out. It’s not fair. It’s not fair foremost on neighbours. But it’s also not fair on the contractors who also bid for this contractor but never realise they didn’t need to create a depot with parking.

14 February 8_12am22 January 8_24am

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