Crown House – decision point

Crown House at 41-43 East Dulwich Road is the ex. Dulwich Area Housing office.

It’s had a busy last six month seeing two planning applications to its reuse.


The first was a planning application for new 100+ nursery places, refused by Southwark Council but the applicant has appealed it.
It was refused as the council doesn’t think they’ve made enough efforts to lease it as office spaces protecting local employment. And also no transport report.

The former is odd as with such huge shortages of nursery places many are unable to go back to work. So this feels a red herring or ill conceived. The transport issues interesting. When the council applied next door it was allowed BUT on the condition they produce a Travel Plan.

So I’ve contacted the planning inspector who will decide the appeal supporting the application IF a condition for a Travel Plan is added.
The planning inspector can be contacted at: reference APP/A5840/A/12/2185756/NWF

What’s very frustrating is that until May 2012 this planning application would have been decided by the Dulwich Community Council but instead council officers miles away made the decision – wrongly in my mind.


The second is a planning application for a new medium sized shop. We’re not keen on this as if it’s a successful shop sucking retail vitality out of Lordship Lane. Also the needs more school and nursery places and this site on it’s own could provide much needed nursery places.

If you have a view on this planning application tell council officials – – and copy me.

One thought on “Crown House – decision point

  1. Bob says:

    As a resident of Altima Court, 31-33 East Dulwich Rd, can you advise what is being fitted out at the old Crown house 41 East Dulwich Road as seems we will soon have new neighbours?

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